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» Screen Savers
» Desktop Walpapers
AD Amazing Waterfall - Animated Wallpaper
Amazing Waterfall- animated desktop wallpapers is the qualitatively new replacement of the well-known wallpapers, but in a difference with the simple beautiful images we offer you the real living world full of sounds and of movement on your desktop.
AD Midnight Fire - Animated Wallpaper
Midnight Fire - animated desktop wallpapers is the qualitatively new replacement of the well-known wallpapers, but in a difference with the simple beautiful images we offer you the real living world full of sounds and of movement on your desktop.
AD Mystery Forest - Animated Wallpaper
Mystery Forest - animated desktop wallpapers is the qualitatively new replacement of the well-known wallpapers, but in a difference with the simple beautiful images we offer you the real living world full of sounds and of movement on your desktop.
Не верьте словам ни своим, ни чужим, верьте только делам и своим, и чужим. Л. Толстой
Штат Техас. Маленький провинциальный городок. Турист спрашивает прохожего: -- Не могли бы вы сказать, какой отель самый тихий? -- Вот этот, за углом. На прошлой неделе там застрелили постояльца, который слишком шумел.
МГТС. У одинокой 87 летней пенсионерки обнаружен модем