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It's got everything an XSLT Editor should have plus a bit more like Intellisense and tag auto-complete! It's also half the price of XMLSpy... so it's great value. A 30 day free trial is available.
RSP OGG Vorbis Player OCX
ActiveX OCX to play OGG Vorbis media files , the decoding engine is loaded dinamically in the process , the processor time required to decode the OGG Vorbis is less than MP3 files , the decoder quality is very good or better than MP3 files
Pocket CHM
Pocket CHM is a powerful toolbox for creating help, ebooks in CHM format, at the same time it can decompile CHM files. With it, you can add new data to an existent CHM file, and read CHM on Pocket PC.
Intelligent control resizing and repositioning - Form size, position and state restore - Splitter control and MDI side panels - Shaped forms for VB 6.0
Easy VSS integration with rollback and rollforward functionality, Syntax Highlighting, Easily manage your SQL objects, Syncronization, Keep your documentation up-to-date, Script generation to keep your servers up-to-date.
A free, time-saving tool for software developers. Searches software sites for any given program's name, and allows you to quickly and easily see where your program is listed, and where you need to submit or update. Fast, free and fantastic!
Create irregular shaped forms easily based on the forms picture property.
Add the control to the form and set the picture property then select which colour to become transparent. This control does the rest.
ActiveX control for VB6.
Source Lister
Generates formatted source program listing printouts, with layout and appearance options, and page numbering. Includes pagination controls for C/C++ and assembly source files.
Superior SQL Builder
Visually build complete SQL scripts - other query tools only build single SQL queries. Introduces massive time savings. Easy to use. Build complex SQL scripts without typing any SQL. Supports Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, Access.
TextPipe Engine
Fast text manipulation and data extraction engine. Fix websites, database data and electronic text with pattern match,convert DOS/Unix end of line characters,ASCII-EBCDIC,add/remove lines/columns,sort,split,join,database extracts,JScript/VBScript
Художник - это синтез теоретика и практика. Новалис
К знаменитому виленскому мудрецу Элиезеру явился моло- дой человек и спросил, что нужно делать, чтобы стать великим ученым. -- Нужно отказаться от всех удовольствий, кроме учения. Ты должен привыкнуть к голоду, холоду и нищете. И так до сорока лет. -- А потом? -- А потом ты привыкнешь.
За круглым столом сидят, как правило, с квадратными глазами