
В начало
» Utilities
» Diagnostic
Active SMART
Active SMART utilizes the S.M.A.R.T. technology to track the status of the computer hard disks. Its main goal is timely detecting and anticipating any problems, occurring with the disk, before the danger of the data loss appears.
Find TRUE duplicate files (byte for byte). Clean your hard drive of duplicate files that are just wasting space. It searches for TRUE duplicate files (byte for byte), same-name files and zero-length files and bring them to your attention.
HDD Temperature
HDD Temperature is monitoring software that protects your hard-drives from getting overheated. Temperature Pro can monitor multiple HDDs, work as network service and send e-mail alerts to the system administrators.
Active@ Hard Drive Partition Recovery
Active@ Partition Recovery is DOS software that helps to recover deleted
partition and logical disks on hard drives. Can backup and
restore MBR, partitition table, boot sectors. Runs from startup disk.
CDCheck is utility for prevention, detection and recovery of damaged files with emphasis on error detection.
Величайшие гении не презирают того, кто ниже их, тогда как остальные люди обычно пренебрегают даже теми, кто выше их. В. Фонтенель
- что было раньше - курица или яйцо - раньше было все!
Я никогда не мог привести домой женщину. Сначала из-за родителей, потом из-за жены