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Wordware Personal Information Manager for Word
A complete solution for quick and easy access to contacts in Word. It's people management made simple! Finally, a Personal Information Manager (PIM) comes to Word for Windows! Have your own address book and telephone directory at your fingertips.
Digital PhoneBook
A very simple, fast, friendly contact management software with printing ability, phone dialer, backup/restore features, moving/copying contact cards. Easy email and browsing. Allows importing including Outlook Express and Comma/Tab delimited files.
2+ Block Buster
Highly addictive logical game. Click on group of similar blocks to bust them. Constantly new blocks are added at the bottom. Play up to 10 increasingly difficult levels. Three game modes. Several intriguing game pieces.
An easy-to-use music manager/jukebox for serious music collectors. It catalogs CDs, OGG, WMA, and MP3 files and includes a CD ripper, audio converter, tag editor and file renamer. It creates music mixes, and levels volume as it plays and it's free!
Велико лишь то, что долговечно; долговечно лишь то, что справедливо. Д. Феррари
- почему царский герб - двуглавый орел - одна голова - по промышленности, другая - по сельскому хозяйству.
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