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» Graphics
» Digital Camera
Plug in your digital camera and immediately copy your photos to your PC, display the pictures in full screen, and rapidly edit with ease. The user-friendly interface provides the best overview of your photos in full screen even in thumbnail view.
File Open and Save-As Dialog Extensions for all of your applications. Enlarges the dialog, adds recent and favorite files/folders lists, set sorting and view defaults, file management functions, advanced Find, and more.
MediaRECOVER digital image recovery
Your once-in-a-lifetime images can easily be destroyed by accident or simply lost while transferring to your computer. MediaRECOVER recovers completely your lost photos, audio and video.
The complete digital image management solution for Windows.
Whether you are a professional photographer or a digital camera user, IMatch allows you to manage your digital image collection easily and effortlessly.
Совесть - это тот голос, который говорит тебе, что не надо делать имен, но то, что ты только что сделал. Из книги "Пи"
- кто изобрел электробритву - ее открыл иван петрович сидоров в помойке за американским посольством.
Не умеешь летать - не марай тротуар