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» Utilities
» Disk Management
WinCleaner One Click
"only Ultra WinCleaner did significantly better here than XP's own Disk Cleanup. On our test system, WinCleaner removed 44MB, whereas XP got only 35MB. SystemWorks' 36MB was a near photo finish with Windows,"
Where Is It?
WhereIsIt? is a media cataloging software for Windows 9x, ME, NT 4.0, 2000, or XP. It takes snapshots of your floppy disks, CD-ROMs, removable drives etc, and allows offline browsing, searching, reporting and organizing your collection.
Cleans out the garbage from your computer and protects your Internet privacy. It finds and removes unneeded files which are wasting your disk space, and cleans out your Internet history files.
Space is a disk usage analysis tool, that can show graphically where your disk space is being used. It works on local and network drives, and FTP accounts. You can print these displays, and export the data for use in other programs.
Power Defrag
Power Defrag 3 provides optimised defragmentation, disk checking and system functions. On Windows 9x, these system functions include registry management. On Windows XP, they provide control of the System Restore tool.
IsoBuster is an expert and low cost utility to do data recovery from CD and DVD. All File-Systems are supported. Supports an enormous range of image files ! Comprehensive help file, Scanning for lost UDF files and folders, CD/DVD Surface scan.
Advanced File Organizer
Easy-to-use cataloging software for sorting out disks and files. Organize all kinds of media (CD, DVD, floppies, local and network drives etc.) into a hierarchical tree by their location or file categories and find any file in a matter of seconds.
ActueFinder finds duplicate files on your computer. You can then delete or move the files to an archive directory,saving a lot of disk space. Fast and easy way to clean up your disks. Great tool for network administrators. Free trial-key.
Folder Express
Folder Express helps you instantly jump to your frequently used folders in Windows Explorer, folder windows, Browse Folder dialogs or Open/Save File dialogs. You need not move through all the drives and folders to go where you want any more.
Disk Size Manager
Disk Size Manager - a powerful hard disk space manager. Using Disk Size Manager you can keep track of your hard disks space to ensure its most efficient use. With its 2D/3D pie and bar charts as well as detailed descriptions in words.
Нет более верного признака дурного устройства городов, чем обилие в них юристов и врачей. Платон
Жена выиграла в лотерею десять тысяч, но боялась ска- зать больному мужу, чтобы тот на радостях не умер от разрыва сер- дца. Пошла к врачу советоваться, как быть. -- Пусть муж подойдет ко мне, придумайте какую-нибудь причину, а я уж его подготовлю,-- говорит доктор. Пришел муж, и доктор завел разговор издалека. А потом и спрашивает: -- А что бы вы, уважаемый, сделали, если б выиграли десять тысяч? -- Что бы я сделал? Отдал бы вам половину!.. Доктор, услышав это, ойкнул и упал. И умер от разрыва сердца.
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