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» Development Tools
» Document Conversion
Text2PDF Pilot
Converts RTF and text documents to PDF files. The program supports different PDF security options, password protection and different compression modes. Using batch conversion mode, you can convert a large amount of documents.
eDocEngine ActiveX/.NET
Generic electronic document creation component suite for Microsoft Visual Studio, Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, Borland Delphi 8 .NET and Borland C++Builder.
Gnostice ONEView is a Windows® application for viewing, printing and exporting documents from one format to another. ONEView supports viewing and printing of HTML, XHTML, RTF, picture files and files of popular Delphi™ reporting tools.
Gnostice eDocEngine is a comprehensive, generic, 100% VCL electronic document creation component suite for Borland® Delphi™ and C++Builder™. eDocEngine enables developers to deliver information straight from the applications they develop.
PEERNET File Conversion Center
The File Conversion Center is a Microsoft Windows application that enables you to quickly and easily convert office documents, spreadsheets, web pages, PostScript files, and more into image or PDF files. (Trial key required)
Fast PDF Builder
Quickly and easily convert txt,html and rtf files to pdf format in seconds! Using Fast PDF Builder you can convert your programs in seconds. Drag and drop from explorer ease and easy to use interface. You can password protect the generated PDF files.
Выркалось. Хливкие шорьки Пырялись по наве И хрюкотали зелюки, Как мюмзики в мове. Л. Кэрролл
(для математиков) что такое производная пьянка? Это така пьянка, которая на деньги от бутылок за первую пьянку. А что такое существенная пьянка? Это такая пьянка, у которой вторая производная не ноль.
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