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Design ruled or checkered paper with individual colors, line widths and edges. Additionally you can insert a picture and use a background texture and a free text to design your personal writing paper.
Tiff2PDF Pilot
Batch conversion utility that converts TIFF files (including multi-page images) to PDF. You can set security settings for generated PDF, document information. You are able to preview images and set page order.
Search Engine Optimizer Optimiser
search engine optimization, optimisation - optimize optimise search engine listing ranking placement ensure. Instantly create keyword web pages. Easy to use. Master in five minutes. Design keyword web pages site promotion
Image2PDF Pilot
Batch conversion utility that converts TIFF, JPG, BMP, PNG image files to PDF. You can set security settings for generated PDF, document information. You are able to preview images and set page order.
Fill out PDF forms, save them and print them. You can add form fields to existing PDF files or fill out existing form fields. The program can also add comments to PDF files or highlight text in PDF files. Provide your customers with PDF forms.
Do you ever wanted to create professional looking PDF document files? With PDF-Creator you can create PDF files from each application, which is able to produce a printer output. The program converts PostScript files into PDF files.
PDF Watermarks
Simply add a watermark (texts and pictures) to all of your PDF files with one mouse click! This will mark you files as your copyrighted property. You can add the watermark behind all objects (behind existing texts) or print it over existings texts.
PDF Server Script
Do you need to change existing pdf files on a web server? With PDF Server Script you can add text and pictures to existing pdf files with the help of a script language. You can also search and replace the existing page source code.
PDF Editor
Edit PDF files now! You can write annotations, add text, change the text (correct spell errors) or delete words completely. Now you canalso add or delete pictures and vector graphics and add text in any font you want! 11 new tools in the new version!
PDF Create Convert
PDF Create Convert is a useful program to create PDF documents from scratch or convert an existing document to PDF without the need of Adobe Acrobat.
Ибо, кто имеет, тому дано будет и приумножится; а кто не имеет, у того отнимется и то, что имеет. Библия
Руководительницу брачного агентства спросили: -- Какие качества, по вашему мнению, необходимы женщи- не, чтобы она преуспела в жизни? -- Надо, чтобы она была достаточно, умна для того, чтобы нравиться глупым мужчинам, и достаточно глупа, чтобы нравиться умным мужчинам.
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