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» Internet
» Dynamic DNS
Router Tester
Router Tester is an application to help DynSite users to accurately identify the path to the HTML status page of their routers.
SNMP Test for routers is a tool which can query and monitor any SNMP-compatible device but it is especially designed to test SNMP router compatibility.
TZO Dynamic DNS Client with Photo Sharing
TZO offers the ability to run your own Photo server, web server, mail server and more. True dynamic DNS client/server technology to fix static domain name to a dynamic IP addresses. Cable, DSL Internet users can host their own site. Free Trial
DNS4Me puts you in control of the Internet by giving you the power to deliver the content of your choice from your computer. Host your own Web server, FTP server, email server, and much more without the hassle of a hosting company.
Dynamic Update Tester
Dynamic Update Tester is an application to test dynamic updates (RFC2136) on DNS servers. The latest version supports secure updates using transaction signatures (RFC2845). This is a test application not an automatic IP updater.
Нетрудно быть добродетельным там, где ничто этому не препятствует. Овидий
Беседуют два приятеля. -- Вчера купил на рынке прекрасную книгу "Как заработать миллион рупий за три месяца". Но, к сожалению, в книге не ока- залось половины страниц. -- Не печалься, полмиллиона -- это тоже деньги!
Я столько знаю о прокладках, что сам мог бы их носить.