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» E-mail Utilities
Subscription Manager
Add-in for automatic adding/deleting subscribers to/from Outlook 2000/XP/2003 mailing lists based on special emails from them with the commands in Subject field. SUM is capable of processing "subscribe", "unsubscribe", "confirm" and "help" requests.
Quick Templates for Outlook
Quick Templates is designed for fast insertion of text templates into Microsoft Outlook 2000/XP/2003 mail messages.It will help you with entering frequently repeated text fragments, save the time and avoid mistyping in your messages.
Title Bar Reader
Read your favorite jokes, stories, poems, lyrics and proverbs in a title bar.
Title Bout Championship Boxing
Title Bout Championship Boxing is the ultimate in computer boxing games simulations with complete statistics, multiple ranking systems, full editing capabilities, over 3600 rated fighters, trainers, corner men, referees are all part of the simulation
Print Tools for Outlook
Being a rule, it automatically prints in/out messages and/or attachments; prints any Outlook items; has manual mode and wizard to print items within date range; prints documents from ZIP and RAR archives; prints only specified file types; and more!
Send Personally
Add-in offers an alternative method of sending messages from Microsoft Outlook 2000-2003, separate message being created for each recipient. The final recipient will see only his/her name and address in the "To" field.
SpamWeed Anti-Spam Filter
A powerful & easy-to-use spam filter that blocks over 95% spam instantly for Outlook, OE & other email clients. Spam are placed in a quarantine area & can be retrieved or deleted. SpamWeed learns from mistakes & its detection rate improves with use.
Duplicate Email Remover
Delete duplicate emails and posts in Outlook, MS Exchange Server folders and mailboxes; searching across the folders. A duplicate found also could be marked, copied or moved to any folder. Work as add-in for MS Outlook 2000/XP/2003. Free trial.
Attachments Zip Compressor
Attachments Zip Compressor is a powerful multi-purpose add-in for MS Outlook capable of doing with attachments whatever you need to. It can automatically ZIP attachments in outgoing messages, create SFX and password-protected archives.
Contacts Verifier
Contacts Verifier is the Microsoft Outlook add-in designed to monitor validity of emails in the contacts. It is able of checking your contacts throughout in a few minutes to notify you of the contacts that contain emails which are no longer valid.
Знание - столь драгоценная вещь, что его не зазорно добывать из любого источника. Фома Аквинский
После запуска спутника с собакой пассажир трамвая говори соседу: - знаете, какая разница между землей и спутником? - нет. Какая? - на спутнике собачья жизнь уже кончилась! - а вы знаете, какая разница между трамваем и вами? - нет. Какая? - трамвай пойдет дальше, а вы пройдете со мной! - и пока- зывает книжечку. - а какая разница между мной и вами? - ну, какая? - а никакой! - и тоже показывает книжечку.
Конечно, счастье не зависит от количества денег. Но лучше плакать в лимузине, чем в автобусе.