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1st Javascript Library
1st Javascript Library(Coocool Stupid Web Tricks Tool) lets your imagination run wild. You can create amazing homepage effects to spice up your web-site without any knowledge of Java or Javascript.
FlipAlbum Suite
FlipAlbum 5 Suite automatically creates 3D page flipping photo albums that can be shared online or through Cds.
FlipPublisher is an authoring tool for publishing magazines, novels, textbooks, catalogs, brochures, portfolios, manuals, and more as a FlipBook on the Web or on CDs for viewing on a PC.
FlipAlbum Pro
FlipAlbum 5 Pro lets you create and sell 3D page-flipping digital albums on CDs that run on both Mac and Pc.
FlipAlbum automatically creates 3D page flipping photo albums complete with thumbnails indexes and table of contents
FTPEditor is an FTP client combined with a multi-document editor that allows you to edit remote files as if they were on your local hard drive.
Start using your printer for a useful job! Print your photos and pictures with CAD-KAS Photo-Printery! With the program you can create collages out of your picture material. You can arrange pictures as desired on the worksheet.
AutoFlowchart is a excellent source code flowcharting tool to generate flowchart from source code. Its flowchart can expand and shrink. and you can pre-define the the width, height,Horizontal spacing and vertical spacing. Move and zoom is supported
FlipAlbum Standard
FlipAlbum automatically creates 3D page flipping photo albums complete with thumbnails indexes and table of contents
О, мир, как дивно круг ты совершаешь - ломаешь то, а это исправляешь. Фирдуоси
В Бердичев приехал цирк. Зильберштейн наблюдает, как скрипач играет вариации, раскачиваясь на проволоке. Нако- нец замечает: -- Ну, положим, до Паганини ему далеко...
Рабинович, Ваша жена нам изменяет!