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It's got everything an XSLT Editor should have plus a bit more like Intellisense and tag auto-complete! It's also half the price of XMLSpy... so it's great value. A 30 day free trial is available.
PopUp Maker
PopMaker takes the drudgery out of reliably making popup window code. It also opens and tests the window, live, so you can see the results as you work. Easy to automatically create solid, flexible, cross-browser popup window code.
RFC Viewer
RFC Viewer is a powerful RFC browsing utility for networking program and protocol developers. It parses the original RFC file, and generates a section directory tree as well as a page index for content browsing.
rsEdit is a free replacement for the Windows Notepad editor that comes with all versions of Microsoft Windows. It supports multiple files, large files, syntax highlighting, search/replace, undo/redo, bookmarks, macros and much more.
SmEdit is an Assembly Language Small Text Editor designed for a general text manipulation and viewing. It is capable of handling large files, can view Rich Text Files, and can be used for advanced tasks such as a simple programming editor.
SQL Batch Executor
SQL Batch Executor will run SQL scripts for any database with an ODBC compliant driver.
SSEditor integrated the PHP/PERL script editing and executing environment in one simple user interface. Just need one step configuration, don't have to setup a complex web service in your computer, you can edit scripts and view there results easily.
TextMaker for Handheld PCs
TextMaker is the only desktop-class word processor for Handheld PCs. Imagine being able to work on your Microsoft Word documents on the road, keeping content and all formatting intact. Imagine having a full-fledged word processor on your Handheld PC!
TextMaker for Pocket PCs
TextMaker is the only desktop-class word processor for Pocket PCs. Imagine being able to work on your Microsoft Word documents on the road, keeping content and all formatting intact. Imagine having a full-fledged word processor on your Pocket PC!
TextMaker for Windows
If you want your word processor (a) to provide all the features of a modern high-end word processor, (b) to seamlessly read and write Microsoft Word documents, and (c) to be available on multiple platforms, look no further: TextMaker is here!
Коль Бог не выдаст, то свинья не съест! Русская пословица
Однажды Тимур в разговоре с Моллой спросил: -- Молла! Что больше -- рай или ад? -- Рай больше,-- ответил Молла. -- Откуда ты знаешь, что рай больше? -- Ведь бедных больше, чем богатых.
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