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CFB SpotWord
See how many words you know with this game for Palm handhelds. The free trial version has all the features of the full version but only 10 puzzles. The full version has 500 different puzzles to keep you entertained for many months - if not years.
Word Jubbler
Word Jubbler is a word game that will appeal to crossword enthusiasts and anybody who enjoys the challenge of word puzzles. As each level increases in difficulty you can get a bigger score but you are always racing against the clock!
CFB MasterWord is a Palm word game based on Mastermind and Jotto. It will appeal to anybody with a good knowledge of words and logical reasoning skills. The free trial version is intended to be easy enough for beginners and children.
Кто умеет льстить, умеет и клеветать. Наполеон I
-- Дядя, вы давно женаты? -- Да жена говорит, что пятнадцать лет, а мне кажется, что все пятьдесят!
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