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» Utilities
» Educational Software
Teaching Templates
A set of award-winning authoring tools to help you create interactive exercises, tests and quizzes. The exercises can be put on a Web page, or run as standalone programs at home or in the classroom. A great way to teach any subject - or just for fun.
Multiple Choice Quiz Maker
An easy and time-saving authoring kit to produce tests and quizzes for the inter- or intranet. The exercises can be put on a Web page, or run as standalone programs at home or in the classroom. A great way to teach any subject - or just for fun.
BellCommander is a powerful scheduler which plays audio to PC speakers, PA systems, or to network audio devices. BellCommander is a great low cost replacement for school bells, intercom systems, store audio, and multi-room audio systems.
Человек - это звучит гордо, а выглядит отвратительно. Куклы
- что такое пресс-конференция по телевидению 4 марта 197 года? - пятьдесят евреев под прессом.
Hемного о себе. Мне 15 лет, зовут Юля, есть талия.