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WordWeb is a powerful free English thesaurus and dictionary. Find definitions and synonyms, as well as various sets of related words. The database has over 150 000 root words. The program can be used on its own or with almost any Windows program.
VideoSnaps provides for 'one touch' extraction of high quality and distinct Photographs, from a Video file - no more 'manual' picking of frames - NeuralTek's image matching techniques automatically look for unique pictures in the video.
voeing.de 3D LomTris
3D-LomTris is Tetris (tm)! But it is 3D ... The game is not easy! But after a while of playing (and learning the control and types of stones with their rotations) it's getting more and more fun ...
Test Constructor
Test constructor is a universal program for testing the knowledge. The program can be used to perform testing both at home and various educational institutions. The program allows using an unlimited number of topics, questions and answers.
StarStrider is a software planetarium that utilizes the latest in 3D-technology in order to show you not only the planets and satellites of our solar system, but also galaxies, nebulas, and hundreds of thousand of stars - in real-time 3D.
Scripture Solitaire
Each card has a short phrase in place of the rank (King, Queen, etc.). When those phrases are put together in order, they form a Bible verse (KJV). 6 visual themes, 7 games, 100's of Bible verses. Enter your own verses! A fun way to learn God's Word!
The easy way to create professional Help systems and documentation for web-based and desktop software applications. One manual, one file. A single source document for HTMLHelp (.CHM) and WinHelp (.HLP) output, and plain HTML for Website. No coding
TOTE and Bookie Beater
The TOTE and Bookie Beater software will help you win at the horses more often.By using the software, you will be able to increase your odds of winning dramatically by being able to bet on multiple horses within the same race.
ReadPlease 2003
ReadPlease is an all purpose text-to-speech program that can read anything on your screen (as long as it can be copied onto the clipboard). ReadPlease Plus is also compatible with the AT&T Natural Voices speech engine.
Learn English, French,German, Spanish,Russian and Uzbek words visually, written and verbal. When information is presented visually, in a written language and in a verbal format, you learn best. Picword has about 1000 thousand nice and funny pictures.
Жаль, что мы не рисуем прямо глазами. Как много пропадает на длинном пути от глаз через руку к кисти. Г. Лессинг
В городе закрылись все магазины и ресторан, а Петерсон все бродит по улицам в поисках спиртного. Наконец какой-то про- хожий достал из-под полы бутылку. -- Полсотни крон. -- Черт с тобой, давай. -- Если захочешь еще, вот тебе телефон, позвони. Дома Петерсон откупорил бутылку и обнаружил в ней чи- стую воду. В ярости он набрал номер телефона. Заспанный женский голос ответил: -- Дежурный диспетчер городского водопровода слушает.
Лечу гоpбатость. Обpащаться в моpг N 23.