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В начало » Utilities » Email Client

PMMail 2000 Standard

PMMail 2000 Standard is the ideal email client for users with multiple email addresses or lots of mail. PMMail keeps your accounts separate and displays them in an easy to use 'Explorer' style interface.

PMMail 2000 Professional

PMMail 2000 Professional with PGP is the ideal email client for users with multiple email addresses or lots of mail. PMMail keeps your accounts separate and displays them in an easy to use 'Explorer' style interface.


Retrieves emails from any standard POP3 server. Allows viewing, deleting and defining rules on emails along with many other administrative features. Emails from various accounts can be checked in a single window. Costs $9.99.

Email Pump

Send mass email using text files, databases using tables, queries. With Access, the database option is very powerful, allowing you to use tables or queries with mail-merge, and mix database fields and text input in your messages.

Mail Commander

Mail Commander is a super-fast e-mail program that does it all - from the everyday sending and receiving of e-mails to managing mailing lists and customer requests.

Nelson Email Organizer - NEO

Put an end to 'email overload' with Nelson Email Organizer - NEO: Microsoft Outlook plug-in. Spot important emails in the daily flood. NEO automatically categorizes email messages from your correspondents separately from Bulk Mail, Ezines and Lists.


NetMail can store information on many e-mail accounts. If you have several external mailboxes at different ISPs you will not need to enter a new password and adjust the settings every time.


Stay in touch with those you love easily--without being a computer geek! FamilyMail is the fastest, easiest way to send emails to family and friends without all the fuss. No training needed. We guarantee it!


FastMail provides extensive filtering and processing capabilities for incoming correspondence, creating incoming and outgoing message archives, and features the ability to personalize mail distribution for a large number of recipients.

Command Line E-mailer

Command Line E-mailer (CLEMAIL) is a tool that allows you to send e-mail from the command prompt. It's suitable for web site integration, batch programming, personal use and applications that need e-mail capabilities.

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Если тебя бросила двадцатичетырехлетняя, помни: есть еще двадцатитрехлетние.
Али Бен Марабут


Вождь африканского племени решил выдать дочь замуж.
Для этого устроил прием во дворце. Собрались лучшие женихи из
всех племен. Каждый жених не прочь был породниться с вождем
и получить в жены писаную красавицу. После изрядной выпивки
вождь объявил:
-- Кто переплывет реку Бон-Банга, кишащую крокодилами,
тот получит руку моей единственной дочери и богатое приданое.
Женихи застыли от страха. Вдруг один бросается в воду и,
судорожно работая руками, быстро преодолевает реку туда и назад.
Невеста бросилась ему на шею с криком:
-- Ты мой, ты мой! Я твоя!
-- Мне сейчас не до женитьбы! Я хочу знать, где та сволочь,
которая толкнула меня к крокодилам!


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