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» Encryption & Security
WatchDog limits, protects and monitors what your users do on the computer. Limit time spent on the computer, and restrict what they can do. Block websites. Monitor applications, chatrooms and emails. Record what they type and take screen shots
CryptoExpert 2003 Professional
CryptoExpert mounts a volume file to create a "virtual drive" that appears to applications and users like any other physical drive. Any data that the user attempts to write to this drive is intercepted by CryptoExpert, encrypted, and written to file.
Advanced Encryption Package 2004
With AEP you can encrypt files for your own protection and you can easily create "self-decrypting" versions of your files that others can run witthout needing AEP.The program includes a file shredder that wipes the contents of your original files
BlazingTools Perfect Keylogger
Perfect Keylogger helps you to find out what they are doing on their PC. With this key logger you will receive their keytrokes, chats, websites, screenshots and passwords by email. Remote surveillance - as easy as never before!
BlazingTools Perfect Keylogger Lite
Do you want to know what your buddy or colleague is typing? Or perhaps you want to control your family members - what are they doing on your computer? With Perfect Keylogger you can do so in 2 minutes!
Advanced Encryption Package 2004 Professional
AEP2004 PRO's most noteworthy feature may be its flexibility and military grade encryption: program includes 17 encryption algorithms (Rijndael, TWOFISH, BLOWISH, CAST, MARS, TEA, etc) to encrypt your files. It also includes file shredder.
CryptoExpert 2004 Lite
CryptoExpert mounts a volume file to create a "virtual drive" that appears to applications and users like any other physical drive. Any data that the user attempts to write to this drive is intercepted by CryptoExpert, encrypted, and written to file.
CryptoExpert 2004 PE
CryptoExpert mounts a volume file to create a "virtual drive" that appears to applications and users like any other physical drive. Any data that the user attempts to write to this drive is intercepted by CryptoExpert, encrypted, and written to file.
Hard Angel
Do you remember CIH? Hard Angel it is jumper for your hard drive: hardware protection of your drive; allows to lock attacks of viruses which use this mechanism; allows to warn the user about the risk of data loss; works under any OS.
Величайшие гении не презирают того, кто ниже их, тогда как остальные люди обычно пренебрегают даже теми, кто выше их. В. Фонтенель
Инженер взял отпуск. Ему выдали отпускные одними руб- лями. Он пришел домой, разложил их на столе. Думает: вот придет жена, и я ее удивлю. Слышит звонок в дверь. Открывает, а на по- роге сосед. Просит дрель, а сам заглядывает через плечо. -- Что это у тебя там на столе разложено? -- Да это деньги сохнут. Всю ночь печатал и разложил для просушки. Сосед ушел. Через некоторое время врывается милиция. Видит на столе деньги. -- А где клише? Говори, где клише, с которого ты печатал? -- Я его соседу отдал. Сейчас он печатает. Те--к соседу. Произвели обыск и нашли самогонный ап- парат. Соседа оштрафовали на крупную сумму.
Что такое переходныи возраст? Это когда пенсию не дают по молодости, а девушки не дают по старости.