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In TravelTrade you travel around the world visiting many of the great cities of different countries. As you buy land in the cities you start to build TravelAgencies, Hotels and Fun Parks.
tPilot Home
With tPilot Home, you can create tests and quizzes for your friends and family. Help your kids learn new subjects with homemade test and quizzes - it is so exciting. Use it for school, college or just for fun.
MidiNotate Musician
Find music on the internet and convert it to sheet music. Sing or play along while following the notes on the screen. You control the tempo and the volume of each instrument, while MidiNotate Musician turns the pages and repeats practice loops.
Active Casino
Open24Hours.tv Active Casino is a free software with more than 75 casino games including roulette, classic poker, slot machines and much more! It allows you to play for real over the internet or just for fun! Available in more than 14 languages!
Halloween Ringtone XE
a package of free key press ringtone for halloween. fit for any cell phone model of nokia, motorolaa, ericsson,siemens, etc. no need of smart sms or cable modem. absolutely free.
All Time Winners Casino
Playable Online or Off - for Free or Real Money in your choice of 13 languages. Play Blackjack,Roulette,Poker,Slots,Keno,Baccarat,Craps and more (+75 Games). Games include Progressive Jackpots,Weekly Draws and Promotions! FREE $200 NEW PLAYER BONUS!!
Love Puzzles
Puzzling stuff, love and romance. So we made some puzzles for you to send to that special person in your life. They're free, so help yourself to as many as you like, and go make someone happy.
BOUNCIN' (Windows)
BOUNCIN' is a challenging game of skill that combines elements of Breakout, Pinball and Air Hockey.
501 Tangram Challenges
Are you ready to face 501 challenges of the classic Tangram puzzle? Solve hundreds of built-in challenges, construct your own Tangram shapes, and challenge your friends to recreate them! The object of the game is to form a shape from the pieces.
Active Strip Player
Active Strip Player, the first and only personal live show player, is a free software brings you adult content and private strippers live to your desktop! Available in 5 languages including English, Spanish, French, Italian and German.
Пора бы перестать печалиться о том, Что истинных людей не сыщешь днем с огнем. аль-Маарри
Муж на порог, а ему навстречу кот бежит. Но не трется, как прежде, о ноги, а останавливается в двух шагах от хозяина и, помахивая лапой, говорит: -- Вытри сапоги о коврик! Мужик остолбенел от удивления. -- Чудеса! Неужели это кот сам придумал? Или это твои идиотские шуточки, жена? А жена в ответ: -- Чего удивляешься? Разве он глупость сказал?!
Мадам, я слышал, что вы нравитесь мужчинам..