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Pong Solo
Pong Solo is a single player pong game for the EXTREME PONG enthusiast. Extra effort was put into the game to allow for as much control over the game rules as possible,you can play against as many as 3 computers.
Piezas Clбsicas para Guitarra - Vol 1
Diez piezas clбsicas para guitarra acъstica o elйctrica, volumen I, para tocar sуlo o en duo... buen nivel requirido. En el programa: Bach, Mozart, Chopin, Beethoven, Tйlйman...
Shoot live pool with stunning accuracy and game action. Make bank shots, combination shots, straight shots and shots with English (cue Spin), all with the friendliest shooting architecture on the market. Scorekeeping, Instant Replay, Undo, and Sound.
Renex III
You must line up 5 balls of the same color either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally so that they will disappear, because when the board is filled with balls the game ends.
Scarlet Grains
An action-strategy game for windows. Navigate the perilous labyrinths of Scarlet Grains, collecting coins and avoiding death raining down from above.
Slide Puzzle
Have fun and unwind with this traditional puzzle game. Slide Puzzle is a modern version of the sliding tile games invented over a century ago. Relax with serene all-original images of beautiful Northern Arizona. Hours of fun for all ages.
Moonpod’s Starscape mixes arcade game play with characterisation and involving plot. With most of its crew missing the space station Aegis is all but lost. As last remaining pilot you must defend the station against the evil Archnid race.
Pin Distance Beta
Pin Distance is the simple, reliable, golf ranging utility. Designed by golfers, it is optimized for ease-of-use on the course (i.e. no stylus required), and provides exactly what you need: The distance to the green. It works on ANY course.
The Free Awesome Dates Collection
Romantic Dates, Cheap Dates, Free Dates and Cheap Dates! Sample date ideas from each category. Never worry about coming up with a great date idea again. Get these date ideas and more from www.101DatingIdeas.com
Verbot 4 Player
A Verbot (Verbally Enhanced Software Robot) can be your personal assistant, your teacher, and friend. Created by Conversive, the Verbot is based on more than 10 years of AI experience and development.
У большинства людей любовь к справедливости - это просто боязнь подвергнуться несправедливости. Ф. Ларошфуко
-- Я вчера чуть не умер со страху! Представляешь, иду по лесу и вдруг вижу гадюку! -- Ну и что? -- Да ничего. Присмотрелся, а это, оказывается, ветка валя- ется в траве. -- Так чего же ты испугался? -- Потому что палка, которую я схватил, чтобы убить гадюку, оказалась гадюкой!
Для того чтобы коровы меньше ели и больше давали молока, их надо меньше кормить и больше доить