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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы


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Robust FTP

Perfect tool for Web developers or anyone that moves files on the Internet. Ftp Client & Download Manager all in one. Features: Browser integration, Clipboard monitoring, Upload/Download resume , Firewall/Proxy support, one click directory transfers.


Secure script-driven Windows FTP client with 100+ commands supporting 128-bit SSL and SSH secure servers and integrated PGP encryption/decryption. Also features integrated e-mail, ZIP archive support, COM/OLE, and single command file synchronization.

Rarissimo File Compression with NTFS for FTP - Site License

Packing file data and streams for use with a standard FTP not only Macintosh specific or transit via a non NTFS partition with sequential filenames to transfer. Initial Mac structures and NTFS W2K files properties are recovered during uncompression


WinRar companion for periodic compression scanning files with streams candidates to an ftp send, compressing with normalized filenames to a target folder and restoring Macintosh structures, filenames and NTFS Win 2K files properties after reception

Advanced Batch PrintHelper:Batch and Automatic Printing Software

PrintHelper is the ideal solution for organizations that regularly batch print Excel, PDF, and image files. Unique features: automatic Excel and Image resizing; FTP client. No additional software required to print most of file types.

Synchromagic Pro

Synchromagic performs foolproof synchronization of files and directories, either one-way or bi-directionally. Tasks can also be performed over a local area network, and to FTP sites. Scheduler, invisible operation and dial-up available.

Семейный Бюджет 2005

Самая удобная, простая и функциональная программа для экономии Ваших денег! Уютный красивый интерфейс, бюджетирование, аналогов которому нет, новая система отчетов "Вопрос- Ответ", и многое-многое другое!

Turbo Browser Express

Turbo Browser Express is a superb file management and viewer program with a set of the most comprehensive built-in viewers. It is the only program that lets you manage and view remote (FTP) server files as if they are on your local computer.


wodFTPServer is an ActiveX Component that implements server side of following protocols: FTP, FTP/S (FTPS or FTP+SSL) both in explicit and implicit modes, and SFTP (secure ftp subsystem on SSH2 secured channel).

WinTopMost Site License

Disables close window button of selected applications to control that a proper logout comand is issued when leaving Telnet or avoid Excel close button. Topmost features, set windows always on top of all other. Interactive interface or command-line

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Я утверждаю, что...самопознание ни к чему путному не приводило.
И. Гёте


-- Я уже больше часа смотрю на вас: вы все пьете и пьете...
-- Конечно, пью. Ведь давно известно, что алкоголь делает
человека более разговорчивым, а я очень люблю поболтать.
-- И что же в этом хорошего -- много болтать?
-- О, в этом есть логика. Когда я много говорю, у меня пе-
ресыхает в горле и тогда требуется снова выпить. Что тут не ясно?


А вы и ухом не моргнули

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