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FTPRDP allows you to transfer files between windows terminal clients and windows terminal servers without the need to open any additional ports or use FTP. It uses the same protocol and your existing TS connection.
Crystal SiteUpdater
Crystal SiteUpdater makes updating your homepage very easy and simple. Don't worry if your site is large and you have a hard time figuring out which files need updating. Crystal SiteUpdater does the job for you! Once it finds the files that require u
IOSLoaderPro provides everything you need to ensure safe, fast and accurate upgrade of the Cisco IOS® software.
HS FTPExplorer
With this easy-to-use software, it is possible to upload and download files and directories from/to your website or an ftp server . Simply, dropping files or directories into the program window will copy the files into the web server.
Share files with your friends or with the world by email. Easy and safe ! Like a filesharing server (plenty of features) but through your regular email client. Emails are easy to use, can go through firewalls. Accessible to everybody everywhere...
Badger is a downloading robot that fetches (retrying as need be) multiple files for you while you can browse. It won't spy on you or take over your downloading life. If you care about privacy this is a great alternative for your bulk downloading.
BulletProof FTP Pro
As a professional webdesigner you need an FTP client with power features tailored for you. BPFTP Client Pro is that client. SSL for secure transfers, multi threading for fastest uploads and a number of other features that will make your days easier.
FTP Navigator
The program lets you upload and download data or delete one or more files, including whole folders along with subdirectories. It can also automatically resume and complete file transfers, which for some reason, have been interrupted.
Auto FTP Manager
Auto FTP Manager is a powerful FTP client that allows you to establish a connection to any FTP server and automate the file transfer procedures. You can schedule transfers, synchronize directories with simple drag-and-drop interface.
Кто не идет вперед, тот идет назад: стоячего положения нет. В.Г. Белинский
Лечащий врач объясняет мистеру Хиггенсу: -- Скажите вашей жене, чтобы она не волновалась по пово- ду того, что стала хуже слышать. Это сугубо возрастное. Такое бы- вает у всех... -- Возрастное? Нет уж, увольте, скажите ей об этом сами. Возрастное, может, и бывает у всех, но не у моей жены.
Неверный опохмел ведет к запою