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» File & Disk Management
XTempo Move It
Copy or move photos and files to one or two targets, with or without subfolders. Set destination files to read-only, append a counter to avoid overwrite, and rename destination files by date and time.
WinRar companion for periodic compression scanning files with streams candidates to an ftp send, compressing with normalized filenames to a target folder and restoring Macintosh structures, filenames and NTFS Win 2K files properties after reception
SumInfos (Summary Information)
Tool to collect summary information, properties: author,comments, date, embedded in all Windows 2000 files. It exports the collection of Microsoft Office documents properties and Macintosh comments to a text file for use by other systems via batch
PPT to PDF Converter
PPT to PDF Converter is a PowerPoint Plugin that convert PPT to PDF, PowerPoint document to PDF automatically.
TC: shell to displays the Type and Creator codes of Macintosh files using Windows NT Explorer
WinTopMost Site License
Disables close window button of selected applications to control that a proper logout comand is issued when leaving Telnet or avoid Excel close button. Topmost features, set windows always on top of all other. Interactive interface or command-line
Word to PDF Converter
Word to PDF Converter is a Word Plugin that convert DOC to PDF, Word document to PDF automatically.
NameWiz will let you rename files, folders and sub-folders in any which way you want, it is also an advanced file renaming utility. Some of the files are almost impossible to be rename and NameWiz can rename it by using a plugins so you...
CD Interface Creator
CD I.C. lets you easily create professional interfaces for CDs, which support all file formats, launch programs, open media files, play sounds, show graphics, jump to web sites, browse directories, display documents, send emails and use databases.
InsideCAT Lite Edition
Designed to catalogue all your disks (CD-ROM, floppy...) and locate files in a fast way. 13 compressed and 14 multimedia file formats supported. Four different textual search types. Four printing and four exporting functions. Very fast. Intuitive.
Идя на ковёр к начальнику, отожмись десять раз от пола. Авессалом Подводный
Чем хороши наши заборы, так это тем, что через них все видно. Вот соседки и судачат: -- Видишь, сынок Марии на хирурга учится. Человеком бу- дет. Вот приехал, а уже и петуха может зарезать. Да и матери по- мощь. -- Только никак в толк не возьму, почему, когда осенью ка- банчика резала Мария, то сына не позвала, хотя и хирург? -- Ничего, зато мешок мясца передала ему в город, чтобы лучше науку постигал...
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