
В начало
» Utilities
» File Renamers
Quick File Rename Personal Edition
Very easy to use batch file and folder renaming utility, with INTERNATIONAL CHARACTER SUPPORT! Features such as Undo, Real-time Preview, DOS 8.3 file convert, file rename using wildcards, file mask, mixed case rename, MP3 id3 tagging and MANY more.
Flash Renamer
Flash Renamer renames many files at once by applying rules such as case convert, sequential numbering & seach/replace. It's a time saver for people with large amount of files, eg digital camera users, webmasters & media collectors (mp3/images/movies)
Magic File Renamer
Magic File Renamer is a powerful tool to rename multiple filenames at once. It offers an extensive set of 30 advanced filters which you can use to perform almost any renaming task you could think of.
Учение без размышления бесполезно, но и размышление без учения опасно. Конфуций
-- Послушайте, но это молоко -- чистая вода! -- возмуща- ется покупатель. -- Да, вчера наконец был дождь, и коровы, очевидно, намокли.
В бизнесмене все должно быть прекрасно - и 600-й Мерс, и дача на Канарах, и контрольный выстрел в голову...