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» Utilities
» File Search
QuickOpen brings a much improved, highly configurable "Recent Documents" factility to windows with Recent folders and Recent programs. Fast file searching with text search & replace, saved searches, template documents, file erase, and much more.
A powerful file search tool and file content modifier, which allows you to locate files quickly and easily before viewing, finding or replacing their content. A comprehensive ActiveX COM interface extends the functionality even further.
Turbo Searcher
The fastest file search utility in the world for finding your any type of files through your local or network computers instantly, supports searching within compressed archives and duplicate files on your system.
ZipScan searches archive files. It can search Zip, CAB, RAR, ACE, InstallShield CAB, JAR, TAR, GZIP and OpenOffice files, including password-protected, nested and self-extracting archives. Supports text searching. Can open and extract files.
AD Search&Replace
AD Search&Replace will allow you to search for the files containing the
line of symbols (with case sensitive or without it), specified by
you, on folders tree (also support the network folders) and to
replace a required line by another.
Deductus disk catalog
Deductus is fast disk catalog and personal full-text search engine with explorer-like interface.
Deductus is disk catalog and personal full-text search engine with explorer-like interface.
IsSearch is the unique search utility that takes advantage of data indexing technology available in the latest versions of Windows to enable end-user to search for required information within various document types real FAST! Download FREE trial now!
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