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» Utilities
» File Synchronization
QuickMirror is a Windows file management utility that quickly transforms destination folders into mirror images of source folders. QuickMirror can be used for many purposes, such as quick updating of backups, synchronization and mirroring.
ViceVersa PRO
ViceVersa PRO - File Synchronization, File Replication, Backup Software - delivers an easy way to backup, mirror, replicate and synchronize files and folders. ViceVersa works with any type of storage media and on laptop, desktop, servers.
Visual Batch File
Fast Backup/Synchronization program that is easy to use.
Restore your backups with one click. Friendly user interface
using drag and drop. Support for network and removable drives.
Files can be backed up incrementally. Synchronize computers.
Manually or automatically compare files, folders, text files, source code, Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, and pdf files. You can even compare files within zip files. Includes zsDuplicateHunter a powerful duplicate file finder for free!
Compare and Merge
Compare and Merge is a visual file comparison utility. It lets you see the differences between text files, and makes it easy to resolve these differences. For programmers, web developers, and anyone else who works with multiple revisions of files.
IDAutomation File Replicator
IDAutomation File Replicator is a directory mirroring and file synchronization utility that also creates additional backup copies of all updated, replaced or deleted files.
Beyond Compare
Beyond Compare is a Windows utility that combines directory compare and file compare functions in one package. Use it to manage source code, keep directories in sync, compare program output, etc.
Unlike other backup program that will run only on demand or at defined schedule, Folder Watch guards your files all the time.
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