
В начало
» File Synchronizing Utilities
SmartSync is a versatile synchronization tool for mobile users that routinely transfer files from the office to home and vice-versa.
SmartSync Pro
SmartSync Pro is a backup and synchronization utility that will store important files to removable ZIP/JAZ drive, network volume or just compress to zip archive. SmartSync Pro can synchronize files even when your computers are not connected via LAN.
Heatsoft Automatic Synchronizer
HAS is a folder mirroring and file synchronization utility that enables you to perform the automated or manual synchonizing of local and network files. The visual run option gives you an opportunity to control every step over synchronization.
Advanced Directory Comparison and Synchronization
It is ideal for keeping files synchronized between a desktop & laptop and is a very fast method of backing up critical directories. With ADCS you can easily see what have changed in your directories and transfer changes with single mouse click.
Только кончая задуманное сочинение, мы уясняем себе, с чего нам следовало его начать. Б. Паскаль
-- Меня ужалила ваша пчела,-- жалуется дачник соседу, ко- торый разводит пчел. -- Покажите, которая! Я ее накажу!
намерения двоих совпадают до тех пор, пока им не станут известны намерения друг друга