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» Utilities
» File Utilities
Highly customizable terminal emulator for Internet and intranet use with support for Secure Shell (SSH1 and SSH2) as well as Telnet and rlogin protocols. SecureCRT is ideal for connecting to remote systems running Windows, UNIX and VMS.
Slices huge files into manageable chunks, and then splices them back together again. Useful for transferring files to other machines via floppy, email or internet, without having to restart the whole job if a single floppy fails.
Winguard Pro 2005 Free Edition
Password protect your programs, windows and web pages. Encrypt your files and folders via Explorer. Extra features to lock the boot keys, task keys, software installations and internet access. Also available in Premium (optional payment).
Software Catalog
Software Catalog helps keep your computer software up to date. It stores application information, version numbers, registration information, application web sites, upgrade information, and more. Software Catalog can also act as a password database.
Program searches duplicate files. It can search for duplicate files with the same content, the same file name and the same size on all available drives. For speeding up of a searching the program can use images of a drives
Synchronizes contents of operating system folders. Supports synchronization of files, attributes and NTFS security attribures of files and folders.
Window Cleanser
An advanced Internet and PC cleaning tool that enhances PC performance, while protecting your privacy. Erases your tracks as you use your computer and the Internet, and rids your PC of unneccesary files that slow it down.
It is a compact and easy-to-use notebook designed for storing various textual information.
You will be able to track everyday tasks and, what's more, the program will notify you of upcoming tasks.
Shred XP
Using over a dozen government and industry-proven shredding methods, Shred XP returns control to you by securely deleting current files, previously 'deleted' files, the recycle bin, drive free space, file tips, names, dates, sizes.
ShowSize PE
Unique Explorer style software reports sizes and numbers of folders and files. It can also help you find files not used in many days and can produce a nice printout of the folder contents. Can process terabytes of disk space and millions of files.
Все влюбленные клянутся исполнить больше, чем могут, и не исполняют даже возможного. В. Шекспир
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