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Advanced Uninstaller PRO 2004
Easily and safely uninstall programs, clean and optimize your registry and Start menu. Manage installed applications, remove obsolete entries and speed up your computer in just a few clicks! Remove application history for more than 100 applications!
PC Security
Lock down your system like never before. Exercize total control over your computer: Explorer Control, File Lock, Folder Lock, System Lock, Shortcut/Program Lock, Internet Lock, Restricted System, Window Lock, intruder Detection with Alarm.
Let Odyssey search your computer for any file or for words/phrases that are in any file on your computer. Search using AND, NOT, and OR boolean operators. Perform either case sensitive or insensitive searches. Search any or all file types.
Compare Suite
Compare Suite can compare both - related and non-related files.
"By keywords" comparison feature highlights common and unique keywords, allowing to compare non-related files.
Word-by-word comparison compares files with a common ancestor.
Paragon Drive Backup Personal
Complete and convenient solution for hard disk backups, upgrades and cloning. Supports access to recordable CD/DVD discs and invisible hard disk volumes, includes system areas to backup, restores only data you need at hand, bootable CD for disasters.
Filehand Search
Free! Instantly search your computer for files and Outlook email. Like Google, but for your PC. Results displayed in order of relevance. See and scroll through extracts. Drag and drop results to applications, like Winamp. Finds information fast!
Today's average PC hard drive has as much as dozens of thousands of various files on it. Use Frigate 3 to manage your files effectively! Do it with comfort and a touch of style! Forget the Explorer madness - enjoy convenient file management!
LC Backup !
LC Backup is a program that can simply and effectively backup data, files and folders. Archives are compressed and saved in ZIP file format. For each task there is unique ZIP file, but one task can contain more files and folders.
This program automates file distribution, sorting and backup in intranets (LAN). Files can be sorted (distribute, backup) with masks, variables, etc.
You define rules and all files that appear on network computer will be processed with these rules.
Advanced File Protector
Advanced File Protector is a professional file encryption tool. It uses very the strongest encryption encryption algorithms available, including RSA and the newest AES standard Rijndael to make sure your private data remains confidential.
Одна из отличительных характеристик нашего века состоит в том, что мы все знаем и ничего не делаем. А.И. Герцен
Хозяйка: -- Здравствуйте, дорогой Василий Петрович! А где же ваша жена? Гость: -- Мы дома тянули жребий, кому идти к вам. Хозяйка: -- Ну, и вы выиграли? Гость: -- Нет, проиграл.
Девушки, которые курят, кончают раком. Некурящие девушки оттягивают конец.