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» Utilities
» File Utility
Synchromagic Pro
Synchromagic performs foolproof synchronization of files and directories, either one-way or bi-directionally. Tasks can also be performed over a local area network, and to FTP sites. Scheduler, invisible operation and dial-up available.
Private Encryptor
The latest in encryption technology to protect your sensitive data. Privacy tools include file/folder encryption, e-mail encryption, file shredder, file Backup with auto encryption, My Passwords, My Private Notes, Self Decrypting Executables.
Shortcut Explorer
Shortcut Explorer looks a lot like Windows Explorer and is intended for shortcut file management. The columns in the right pane show, for each shortcut file, the information from the Properties page (target, directory, hotkey, etc.).
Provides user descriptions of files and subdirectories. DIRlist provides free text descriptions to supplement the file name for project documentation, instruction manuals, and general identification of directory contents.
More Space Sanitizer
Safely reclaim and sanitize disk space by deleting duplicates and file hogs. Identifies duplicate files, file hogs, folder hogs, temporary files and more.
HexCmp is a program, which combines together the features of a binary file comparison application and a convenient hex editor. The program will help you to compare files in binary format, at the same time serving as a hex editor that will edit files.
Find Shortcuts
The window that appears as Find Shortcuts starts is similar to the Find Files window that comes with Windows 98. Most of the elements (menus, buttons, etc.) should be familiar. Shortcuts can be tested to see if they are still valid.
File Open and Save-As Dialog Extensions for all of your applications. Enlarges the dialog, adds recent and favorite files/folders lists, set sorting and view defaults, file management functions, advanced Find, and more.
File Shredder
Windows does not physically remove deleted files from your hard drive. You think they are gone, but they can be easily recovered, including your financial information and sensitive business documents. Protect yourself! Free to try.
Mihov Index Maker
Mihov Index Maker is a program that creates a HTML file containing links to all the files in a given directory. If the files are in HTML format it automaticaly inserts the TITLE caption in the link. Now with support for subfolders!
Для того, чтобы изменить мир, нужно прежде изменить себя. Авессалом Подводный
На шумной площади Джакарты встретились товарищи по- учебе в колледже. -- Привет, что ты тут делаешь? -- У меня свадебное путешествие. -- А где же жена? -- Осталась дома, в столице она была в прошлом году...
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