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» Finance
Business Plan eGuides
The PlanWare eGuides comprise a series of "white papers" on business planning matters compiled as a self-contained executable file. They are presented as web-style pages which can be viewed on-screen or printed onto 90+ pages.
M7 X3.5 Stocks Analyst
Free Stock Market Analysis Selection Software finds the best stocks by sector. Based on the famous M7 technology. Shows strengths, weakness, and profit potential. Colorful graphic display w true 3D shadows. Fast. Uses free Internet data.
Cashflow Plan Ultra
For preparing comprehensive monthly cash flow projections for cash planning, business plans, fund raising etc. for 12 months ahead. For larger businesses with sales $2m+. Includes roll-forward facility to simplify updating of projections.
Alert Phone
Call one ring home, call back, your modem will answer and give stock quotes. Create email alerts based on a key word, or who it is from. Monitor stock quotes. If your conditions are met, it will convert to voice and telephone you.
Exl-Plan Lite (US-C edition)
Business plan projections for new/smallish businesses (e.g. sales $0.5 to $2 m). For business plans, budgets, strategic planning, raising finance etc. Generates three-year projections on monthly basis for first year & quarterly thereafter.
M7 Stocks Forecaster
Stock Market Forecasting Software. Forecasts 1-20 days ahead. Based on the famous M7 technology. Forecasts Open/Hi/Low/Close Colorful graphic display true 3D shadows. Fast. Uses free Internet data. Includes free database. Add your own symbols.
HomeLoan Comparison (Mac)
Compare different loans / mortgages or variations of the same loan, view monthly breakdown tables, graphs and more.
Debt Hammer 2004
This program utilizes a different approach to personal finance management than most common software.
Focus on today...Plan for tomorrow!
Get out of debt and stay out of debt. Take control of your finances.
US and Canada only.
Xofia Euro
Xofia Euro is a currency converter and calculator that performs operations with many different currency units. The exchange rates for the configured currencies are updated from the Internet.
Moffsoft Calculator
Calculator with tape, financial functions, unit conversions, date/time calculations, and product pricing. Other features include a sizeable display, fixed decimals, totals, item count, multiple memory values, tray icon, always on top, and much more.
Партия - это безумие многих ради выгоды единиц. Д. Свифт
Жена подала на развод. -- У вас серьезный повод для развода? -- интересуется судья. -- Он, этот негодяй, заставляет меня есть все, что я приго- товлю,-- котлеты, салат и даже борщ!
Слон - это лысый медведь с длинным носом.