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» Finance
Easy Mortgage Calculator
Easy Mortgage Calculator allows you instantly determine your monthly mortgage payments, total payments, total interest and prepayment savings with a fixed interest rate schedule.
MICR Font Set
Print your own checks from Windows, using any laser printer! You get our MICR font set (which includes the numbers 0 - 9, On-Us, Transit, Amount, and Dash), a calibration program, and our Secure Fonts used in printing check amounts and payee names.
Magic Charts
Tool to follow the stock market using Point and Figure charts. Get a full set of updated Point and Figure charts every day in your mailbox and select easily which stock to buy and sell with the new Buy the Winner view. Comes with build in portfolio.
Horizon Investment Analyst
Horizon Investment Analyst calculates profit, periodic, cumulative, & average annual total return, internal rate of return (IRR), capital gain, buy/sell prices, basis worksheets. Many charts. Very useful for investments w/multiple cash flows.
Exl-Plan Pro (US-C edition)
Business plan projections for new/larger businesses (e.g. sales above $1 m). For business plans, budgets, strategic planning, raising finance etc. Generates five-year projections on monthly basis for first year & quarterly thereafter.
GiftBox Plus
GiftBox™ is your complete gift idea and gift tracking software for Palm OS® handhelds, Pocket PC or Windows Mobile handhelds, and Windows PCs! Keep track of each person's birthday, anniversary, clothing sizes, hobbies, colors... anything you want!
Loan And Mortgage
Loan And Mortgage is a loan amortization schedule calculator that handles virtually any loan type. This program is user-friendly, flexible and loaded with useful features that show you where to recover or save money instantly! An absolute 'Must See!'
Exl-Plan Super (US-C edition)
Business plan projections for new/substantial businesses (e.g. sales $3m plus). For business plans, budgets, strategic planning, raising finance etc. Generates five-year projections on monthly basis for first year & quarterly thereafter.
J and L Financial Planner
The top rated J and L Financial Planner is a financial planning software program that allows you to create simple or complex financial scenarios based on financial events through out your life.
Loan Advisor
Loan Advisor allows you to analyze and optimize your loan. Learn how to pay off your loan sooner & save money at the same time. View detailed schedules showing a breakdown of your loan over time, and perform "What if" and residual value calculations.
Желающего идти судьба ведет, не желающего - тащит. Клеанф
На площади диссидент раздает листовки. Люди берут, отходят обнаруживают, что у них в руках пустые листки. некоторые снова подходят к раздающему листовки. - так ведь здесь ничего не написано! - а чего писать зря? И так все ясно!
"Е# твою мать!" - не выражение, а стиль жизни