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» Financial Calculators
Real Estate Calculator Suite
Includes 16 Calculators; 3 Quick Calcs, 2 Downpayment Savings Calcs, Date Calculator, Mortgage Qualifier, 2 Loan Amortizers, Loan Spread, Biweekly Payments, Refinancing, an Estimated Closing Cost, Home Seller's Proceeds and a Prepayment Calc.
SolveIT!, The Financial Calculator
A fast, easy-to-use collection of 33 financial calculators. Includes amortization, loan calculator, balloon, compound/simple interest, bond value & yields, present & future value, annuity, IRR, NPV, budget, net worth. Many more.
Home Buyers Calculator Suite
Includes 13 Calculators; 3 Quick Calcs, a Mortgage Qualifier, 2 Loan Amortizers, Loan Spread Calculator, a Biweekly Payment Calculator, a Refinancing Calculator, an Estimated Closing Cost Calculator, Home Seller's Proceeds and Prepayment Calculator.
LoanExpert Plus
LoanExpert™ is your complete loan and mortgage calculator and analysis tool for Palm OS® handhelds, Pocket PC or Windows Mobile handhelds, and Windows PCs! Calculate interest rate, price, down payment, loan length, and more! Save scenarios.
Loan*Calculator! Plus
A free, fast, easy-to-use collection of 7 financial calculators. Support for Normal loans; Rule-of-78's; Canadian type loans; Points; 10 payment frequencies; 12 compounding frequencies; separate origination date and first payment dates
AmortizeIT!, The Complete Loan Solution
A fast, easy-to-use collection of 10 financial calculators. Support for: extra & skipped payments; Adjustable rates; Rule-of-78's; Canadian type loans; APR disclosure; evaluation of loan acceleration scenarios. Exact day payment & interest support.
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