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» Financial
Dynamic portfolio rotation trading system. A new dimension in technical analysis. Matrix calculations of a list of securities over a date range allow for stock rotation through a portfolio, and a new category of "Market Breadth" indicators.
ProKalc is a full featured scientific calculator featuring a scrolling tape and 15-digit accuracy. Integrated help is available through a unique hot-key interface.
ProKon is a calculator unlike any you've seen before. It features unit conversions of over 400,000 units, a pop-up scientific/financial/geometry calculator with tape, as well as many calculation modules covering a wide variety of topics.
Promotional PDA Home Buying Guide
Provides realtors, mortgage brokers and home inspectors with custom marketing
software for capturing leads. Displays real estate professional's picture and
contact information each time the customer runs the software.
Responsive Time Logger
Time Logger is a professional time and billing tool for consultants, lawyers, engineers, and others who bill for their time. Use the built-in stopwatch for time tracking, or enter time and expense data at the end of the day. Palm Interface included.
The Memory Machine
Save Rob-Robot from the the clutches of a burning furnace using your memory in this Simon-like game. This game features additional twists on the original concept such as a high scoring system and bonus rounds.
TaxMe-UK provides a break-down of the tax and other deductions on your
UK salary. Just configure your personal details, and those of your partner,
to see how much income tax, national insurance etc you are paying.
Variable Investment Analyst
Variable Investment Analyst calculates profit, periodic, cumulative, & average annual total return, internal rate of return (IRR), capital gain, buy/sell prices, basis worksheets. Many charts. Very useful for investments w/multiple cash flows.
Accounts Receivable
Log and track all client transactions, assess late fees, create past due notices, print out reports, and generate work orders and invoices as well as track parts inventories with the Markosoft Accounts Receivable program.
Гвардия сдается, но не умирает. И. Бабель
Ехали два кума на ярмарку продавать арбузы. У кума Петра все арбузы темные, блестящие, а у кума Михаила -- светлые, с по- лосками. Едут и каждый свое расхваливает. А на повороте дороги телеги зацепились да и перевернулись. И весь товар покатился по пологому берегу к реке. Стоят незадачливые кумовья, вздыхают, затылки чешут. А тогда кум Петро и говорит: -- Что ни говори, кум, а мои арбузы лучше. Вон смотри: мой темный твои полосатые перегнал и уже в реку бухнулся!
Одна голова хорошо - а все тело лучше.