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» Find
WordPipe Search Replace
Apply multiple Unicode search and replaces to multiple MS Word documents in one pass. Find and replace (or search only) inside hyperlinks, headers, footers, text boxes, shapes, document properties, field codes and more! Handles passwords too!
Filehand Search
Free! Instantly search your computer for files and Outlook email. Like Google, but for your PC. Results displayed in order of relevance. See and scroll through extracts. Drag and drop results to applications, like Winamp. Finds information fast!
1st TurboRun Internet
Instead of running a browser and navigating through endless Favorites menu, just type a few letters of the desired web site title. Then press Enter to open it. In addition, find all recently saved favorites in seconds, even if you forgot their names!
Email Address Extractor
A simple yet invaluable tool that can automatically dig out all of the email addresses directly from your Outlook Express files or any other files! Search your entire system if you like! Import the results back into your Windows Address Book.
1st TurboRun
1st TurboRun is Net's most convenient Start menu replacement! Forget irritating browsing through folders and constant clicking. Down with solutions that take weeks to configure before they start working. This solution works instantly!
Молчаливость и скромность - качества, очень пригодные для разговора. М. Монтень
В Москве открылся магазин "Эрос" - с голыми полками
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