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» Internet
» Firewalls
PortsLock is a firewall with user-level access controls for Windows NT/2000/XP. Once PortsLock is installed, administrators can assign permissions to TCP/IP connections, just as they would in managing permissions on an NTFS partition of a hard disk.
VisNetic Firewall
More secure than application-level firewalls, yet more cost effective than competing packet-level firewalls, VisNetic Firewall provides protection to Windows-based Servers, stand alone PCs, and/or LAN workstations from internal and external threats.
Xeon Personal Firewall
Xeon Personal Firewall is one of the most powerful firewalls available on the internet. You are able to control which applications can access the internet, and what security setting you would like on your computer.
Internet Access Scheduler
Internet Access Scheduler (IAS) is a firewall that offers user-level access controls for Windows 9x/Me. IAS enhances the standard Windows access management and once installed, administrators can assign permissions to TCP/IP connections.
iNet Shaper
Internet connection sharing software. Based on software router with NAT, traffic shaping,VPN,user access accounting and restriction, detailed traffic statistics per user, remote administration, activity monitor, activity logs, authentication utility.
Будь благоразумно отважным. Б. Грасиан
Купил мужик корову на ярмарке, а потом и спрашивает у хозяина: -- И сколько ж ваша корова дает молока? -- Да мало. Беда в том, что во время доения она брыкается,- отвечает хозяин. -- Ну, да это не беда! Корову будет доить жена.
Я познакомилась с солдатом, котоpый служил недалеко от моего дома. Hо близости между нами не было: ведь он был сеpжантом...