Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы


В начало » Screen Savers » Fitness


Wellness is an extensive data-bank featuring Herbs and herbal remedies, homeopathy, nutrition (including vitamins, minerals, amino-acids, neurotransmitters, enzymes), color-therapy, autosuggestion, other alternative medicines and natural remedies.

UTS Weight for Palm OS

Track your weight & calculate BMI with Palm OS PDA handheld. Unique reading entry interface without typing. Colored records. Various weight loss/gain programs. Conduit for export to Excel and CSV. Interactive charts and histograms.

Tapping Test

To keep health from a growth of overfatigue and to supervise efficiency in sport.


SwimShark is swimming software which keeps you organized and on top of your swimming career. SwimShark is loaded with features that are useful to competitive and non-competitive swimmers and comes with a very lightweight price tag.


Using PrinterExpress, you only have to click once on the PrinterExpress icon located in the system tray (next to the time), and you can easily make any printer on your network your default printer.


Side-Effects lists the most commonly prescribed Drugs. Search over 500 entries by generic or brand name in the registered version.


Cancer: Conventional, Complementary and Alternative Treatments and Therapies.

Exercise Diary

Exercise Diary fitness software accurately records and reports your workouts. Exercise Diary will help you to exceed your limits and achieve the body you desire. Lose fat and increase muscle mass. Every day you wait is a day of lost progress!

Cheers! Blood Alcohol Calculator

Cheers! Blood Alcohol Calculator is a program for accurate calculation of human blood alcohol content based on the the number of drinks, the alcohol content of each drink, the drinker's weight, height, sex, and age.

Performance Diet Pro

Maximize your Weight Loss, Fitness, Nutrition & Health Results with the Performance Diet Pro. Also get the Performance Diet online weight loss program free & $50 in FREE diet/nutrition products. Includes Internet anywhere and remote update features.

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Ф. Ларошфуко


У одного мудреца спросили, какая жена лучше -- та, у ко-
торой черные глаза и темные косы, или та, у которой косы темные,
а глаза карие?
-- У кого есть первая, лучше взять вторую, а кто уже завел
вторую, то лучше первую,-- последовал ответ.


Жизнь - это игра. Задумана хреново, но графика - обалденная!

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