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» Font Utilities
Printer's Apprentice
Comprehensive, professional tool for managing font files on Windows XP/2000/9x systems. Features an elegant Explorer-style interface for viewing TTF, OTF & Type 1 fonts. Has extensive catalog and font sample sheet printing. Includes full uninstall.
Protaxis BestFonts
Protaxis BestFonts 1.1 is an small freeware utility that help you to preview installed fonts,
organize fonts in font groups, send font files on e-mail, pack fonts in zip archive.
ShowFont - Windows Font Lister
ShowFont is a Windows Font Listing utility. It provides much more information than the Windows' Fonts applet. Detail includes: Style; Point Size and Pixel Size; Character Set; Pitch; Family; Face Name; Display Name and File Name.
View and print both installed and external fonts; preview and install fonts. FontMap can display a table, text, description, keyboard view, or individual characters. Uninstalled fonts can be viewed and printed without needing to install them.
CrossFont for Windows 95,98,NT,2000,XP converts TrueType and PostScript Type1 fonts between Macintosh and PC platforms. Features: automatic file recognition, drag and drop, folder searching, font outlines and hints are preserved, OS X dfont support.
FontPage lets you examine and compare all of the fonts on your system. You can also print out a specimen page for any font, or print a list of them. FontPage has its own character table, a compare tool, and can preview uninstalled fonts.
This easy to use application enables quick access to your favorite programs from the system tray. In addition to program files, you can add documents, folders, videos, images, websites and all other file types into your list.
Театральный критик - это лицо, разъясняющее изумленному драматургу смысл его пьесы. У. Мизнер
Безанекдотье. Встречаются двое - что такое КПСС? - ну, скажи! - не знаешь? (шепотом:) коммунистическая партия советского союза!
Лучший памятник жертвам - отсутствие памятников палачам.