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Renamer + random
Full featured batch file renamer. This is the only renamer that can add a random number to the filename. This is very useful for webmasters who want to randomize the order that pictures appear. Also had limited regular expression support. Extra fast.
Cards Right Now
A collection of over 200 all occasion greeting and note cards (birthday, holiday and more) with photographs and illustrations taken from nature. Cards are written and ready to print as needed.
NotesHolder Lite
NotesHolder lets you quickly type in any piece of information so that you can easily find it when you need. This is the most effective way to store all your notes without cluttering up your desk with PostIt and sticky notes.
CSSS Video
If you want:
- to guard your home, office or any location;
- to eavesdrop;
- to save money and don't buy signalling device;
This software for you!
Гвардия сдается, но не умирает. И. Бабель
Вернувшись с работы, муж застает жену в слезах. -- Дорогой, это ужасно! Я испекла торт, а наш пудель его съел. Муж успокаивает: -- Не горюй, родная! Я сейчас же отнесу собачку к ветеринару.
Умная мысль может прийти и к дураку. Но с ее стороны это будет глупостью