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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы


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Slots_merlin is a 5 Reel X 20 payline video slot with sounds and based on the sorcerer merlin.You can play up to 20 lines at a time and up 400 coins per Spin. A wild card on first reel and an "dove" on last will trigger feature.


Slots_oz is a 5 reel X 20 Payline videoslot with FreeSpin Feature and an Australian theme.You can play up to 20 lines at a time and bet up to 400 coins per Spin.


A spelling, vocabulary and trivia quiz game the whole family will enjoy. Includes about 20 game modules, each in effect a separate game or quiz. Create your own modules with included editor. Fast-paced, entertaining, educational.

SpiteNET: Spite and Malice

This card game with an attitude, is a fast moving and addictive card game. A form of competitive solitaire where you are challenged by the wit and skill of Spite, the computer opponent. Similar to SkipBo. Also playable with an Internet/LAN connection


Splitting Images is a fast-paced sliding puzzle game that will keep you on the edge of your seat! Splitting Images is an improvement of the original sliding puzzle genre. Each level in Splitting Images has it's own unique playing style & tactics.

WinFlash Scholar

Award-winning Flashcard Study and Testing System - Memorize study material fast! Create reusable decks, print flashcards, study and track your progress with this leading-edge learning tool! Powerful multimedia capabilities. Easy to learn and use.


Square-Off is a very addicting mind game, based on Japanese nonogram puzzles (Sometimes called Griddlers, or paint by numbers).

Star Ball

As a space fighter pilot you are charged with the task of acquiring Star Ball. Get to the pilot wheel, destroy star bricks, and get that artifact at any cost! Download Full Version for Free!

Star Storm

An online fast paced space shooter featuring 25 levels of play divided into 5 phases. Blast your way through waves of enemy spacecraft, avoiding mines and asteroids. Play offline or add the game to your own website.


Moonpod’s Starscape mixes arcade game play with characterisation and involving plot. With most of its crew missing the space station Aegis is all but lost. As last remaining pilot you must defend the station against the evil Archnid race.

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Узы дружбы неизмеримо крепче уз родства и свойства, ибо друзей мы выбираем сами, а родных нам посылает судьба.
Д. Боккаччо


Актер увидел, что его жена стоит на середине лестницы, и
поклялся, что разведется с ней, если она поднимется на самый верх
или спустится вниз. Услышав это, жена спрыгнула с лестницы на зем-
лю и сказала: "Заметь, что я не сошла вниз и не поднялась наверх, а
спрыгнула". А муж ответил ей: "Поистине, если бы люди знали, какая
ты хитрая, они стали бы ходить к тебе, чтобы поучиться".


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