Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы


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Solid Spheres Deluxe

Solid Spheres Deluxe is an addictive puzzle game with a twist. Excellent graphics, thumping music and a massive variety of levels will give you hours of explosive fun!

Starships Unlimited

Starships Unlimited is a fast-paced game of space exploration and galactic warfare. The demo limits play to one replayable game (small galaxy, one opponent, limited tech tree) of 500 years. "Best Independent Game of 2001" - Computer Games Magazine

PilesOTiles Mahjongg

PilesOTiles is a game based on the Solitaire Mahjongg series of games, in which you must pair off groups of colorful tiles in order to complete the round. Using large playing tiles which are easy to distinguish, the game is playable by all ages.


This is a remake of the classic Pong video game. Pong was invented in 1958 by Will Higinbotham at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Pong has captured the attention of thousands and is still fairly popular today.

Pong Solo

Pong Solo is a single player pong game for the EXTREME PONG enthusiast. Extra effort was put into the game to allow for as much control over the game rules as possible,you can play against as many as 3 computers.

Prehistoric Baccarat

Four nice dinosaurs, palms and wild plants will astonish you with their graphics, the music and special sound effects will carry you into the past; original personages, unusual cards and bright colors will embellish the picture.

Prehistoric Blackjack

When you open the Prehistoric Blackjack you appear in the Stone Age. You see a prehistoric drama and you have a chance to take part in it as you have everything to do it: a game space with an interesting topic, excellent graphics and simple rules!

Prehistoric Caribbean Poker

You have an opportunity to enjoy the unique graphics of an excellent game Prehistoric Caribbean Poker and to play with a prehistoric man. This lovely dinosaur will be yours if you follow the easy rules of this classic card game.

Prehistoric Craps

You can play Prehistoric Craps with a prehistoric man. Just place a bet, shoot the craps and wait for a result. This hazardous and absorbing game with a non-predictable ending will win your heart! Take pleasure in the music, graphics and the game.

Prehistoric Pai Gow Poker

With the game called Pai Gow Poker you travel back to the Stone Age. You can hear and see everything happened that time. A striking and fascinating game accompanies by pleasant music and in the case you win you will hear a pterodactyl's voice!

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