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» Games Free Strategy
Reversi Fight
A nice free puzzle game designed for those who like to have a great brainstorm. This dynamic game will keep you tense and acute all time long and make your logics work. Try to occupy the greatest part of the game board and win the game. Free to play.
Star Monopoly
Feel like a genius of stockjobbing and can't imagine yourself out of open trade and stock-exchange deal, if you sleep and dream about vast-scale machination and stock market game but can't make it real - this free game was made to make you happy!
Atomic Minesweeper
Set your strategic thinking free playing this challenging game! An addictive mine-sweeper like game providing you with several hours of real brain-storming. Try to guess where mines are hidden to stay alive as long as you can. Free to play.
Самая тяжелая работа та, которую мы не решаемся начать: она становится кошмаром. Ш. Бодлер
-- Если ты и дальше так будешь тратить деньги, мы останем- ся без копейки... -- Это меня не тревожит, дорогой! Я вышла замуж за тебя по любви, а не из-за денег! Так что не волнуйся!
Тело входя в тело теряет гибкость и выделяет жидкость. (Негласный закон Ньютона)