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» Education
» Geography
Grasp The USA
Learn your states, capitals and other USA facts. Games teach you geogrphical facts in a series of grades with quizzes to test your attainment. Your students' results monitored and placed in an assessment page for your scrutiny.
GEOPosCalc makes easy and simple a job normally tedious in other products, the conversion from geographic positions to UTM and vice versa.
Canvas GIS Advanced (Mac)
CANVAS 9 Advanced GIS Mapping Edition: Direct support for Geographic Information System data. You can take measurements in geographic coordinates, import any popular GIS file types into unlimited numbers of automatically aligned overlapping layers.
AGIS for Windows
AGIS for Windows is a mapping and simple GIS shareware package. Plot your own geographic data on the map of the world provided without the high cost and steep learning curve usually associated with this kind of software.
Пусть не хватает сил, но желание похвально. Овидий
Коммунальная квартира. Женщина принимает душ в ван- ной, а сосед внимательно наблюдает за ней через окошко из кухни. Женщина это замечает и кричит: -- Как не стыдно! Совсем совесть потеряли! -- Не ори, дура! Я не на тебя смотрю, я слежу, чьим мылом пользуешься!
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