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» Education
Times tables and early addition tutor: PC games and quizzes to teach your students multiplication times tables and basic addition with automatic monitoring and recording of times and scores.
With tPilot, you can to create tests on any subjects of the school program, on any college subjects, any tests for single-professional testing, various psychological tests etc.
TR BookShelf
Bookshelf takes plain text (TXT) files and displays the contents as if they were printed in a book. You get two pages (or one if you wish) side by side with generous margins and a clean, uncluttered interface.
TR Dictionary
An add-on to the Internet Explorer. It converts the browser into:
Speaking dictionary. You can see the explanation in the pop-up hint, and hear it. Vocabulary drills. Three efficient tests will help you memorize new words.
Travel Dictionary Dutch- PalmOS
Travel Dictionary Dutch in combination with German, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Swedish and English.
The most comprehensive travel dictionaries as freeware for your Palm! 7 dictionaries in one package.
Travel Dictionary English- PalmOS
Travel Dictionary English in combination with Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish and German.
The most comprehensive travel dictionaries as freeware for your Palm! 7 dictionaries in one package.
Travel Dictionary English- Windows
Travel Dictionary English in combination with Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish and German.
The most comprehensive travel dictionaries as freeware for your PC! 7 dictionaries in one package.
topics in science V3
Topics in Science Volume 3 uses graphics and animations to visualize and to provide insights into the following topics: Protein formation Cell membrane diffusion Immune system Chromosome, Hemoglobin, Sperm, Nerve Cell, Microvilli.
Подделка под старое убивает старое. Д.С. Лихачев
Мужик решил бросить пить. Но не сразу, конечно, а по- степенно, и пить только дома, без приятелей и свидетелей. Потому что среди последних почему-то часто встречаются милиционеры. Залез в постель, укрылся одеялом и заснул. А проснулся... снова в вытрезвителе. -- Как я здесь оказался? -- удивился он,-- Ведь я пил дома! В собственной постели! -- Да, но за второй бутылкой вы пошли, завернувшись в одеяло.
Товарищи курсанты! При обнаружении вспышки ядерного взрыва самое главное - это повернуться к нему спиной, чтобы сталь со штыка не капала на органы воспроизводства или казенные сапоги.