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» Graphic Apps
Pro Motion
Pro Motion is a bitmapped animation and drawing package. It's ideal for creating animations and images used in games, Flash/GIF animations. It has a huge number of functions ranging from simple drawing over color cycling to onion skinning.
Quick Mpeg
Quick Mpeg is a media player and screensaver for MPEG and AVI files.
It supports password protection, individual movie volume control and
multiple playlists. This program is fast, powerful and easy to use.
ReaCompressor - image optimizer
Optimize your images for the best quality, look and size conformity. It is very easy to use with your scanner and digital camera. It also supports 340 input formats, batch mode, region specific compression and features multilingual interface.
ReaConverter Pro - advanced image converter
Combine batch image conversion between 340 formats with various image editing and saving operations at once or automatically scheduled. You can also launch it from another application with command line. EPS and multipage PDF/GIF/TIF files supported.
ReaGif - image converter to Gif
Combine batch image conversion from any format to GIF with plenty of image editing operations: resizing, changing colors, cropping, making borders, etc. It can be integrated to shell so you can work on images right from the Windows in two clicks.
the TAB Lite
The TAB Lite is an easy-to-use software, ideal for creating in a few steps with amazing results your own cartoons.
Tiff2PDF Pilot
Batch conversion utility that converts TIFF files (including multi-page images) to PDF. You can set security settings for generated PDF, document information. You are able to preview images and set page order.
Typograf font manager
Top class font manager for OpenType, TrueType, PostScript Type1 and printer fonts. Previews all fonts, prints fonts in many ways, compares fonts, displays all font properties and views character set, keyboard layout. Zoomes and manages fonts.
Проявить мудрость в чужих делах куда легче, нежели в своих собственных. Ф. Ларошфуко
- все работаете, Владимир Ильич. Отдохнули бы, поехали з город, с девочками. - вот именно, батенька мой, с де-воч-ка-ми! А не с этой политической пгоституткой тгоцким!
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