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» Graphic Viewers
Thumb Print Pro
Create web pages from your image library. Create JPG and thumbnail images from GIF, JPG, BMP, and other supported formats. Create HTML files that index your favorite sound, movie, text, or any other file.
Context ThumbView
Context ThumbView is a Windows Explorer context menu extension that provides image preview just in the right-click menu. It supports most of popular image file formats, including BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG, TIFF and is very handy for quick image viewing.
Instant ThumbView
Instant ThumbView is a tiny image viewer that displays image thumbnails in a tooltip window when mouse pointer is hovered over an image file in Windows Explorer. It supports a lot of popular image file formats, including BMP, GIF, JPEG and so on.
Digital Photo Slide Show & Screen Saver
Digital Photo Slide Show is the perfect solution for sharing your digital photos in a slide show format either as a screen saver, slide show, wallpaper changer, web slide show or on a CDROM. Over 120 transition effects for a professional display.
Fun Thumbs
Fun Thumbs is feature-rich software which makes it simple and enjoyable to create attractive thumbnails of your photo collections. This software gives you full control over your thumbnail sizes, names and allows you to add special effects.
EldoS Thumbnailer
When you have a collection of images, that you need to manage, browse and see all pictures at once, you definitely need this application. It supports 49 graphic formats and EXE, DLL, ICL and ZIP files as virtual folders with images.
Instant ThumbView Free Edition
Instant ThumbView is a tiny image viewer that displays image thumbnails in a popup window when mouse pointer is hovered over it in Windows Explorer. It supports a lot of popular image file formats, including BMP, GIF, JPEG and lot more.
Существует такой уровень невежества, который иначе как подлостью не назовешь. Авессалом Подводный
Фиделю Кастро устроили горячую встречу в Москве. Оставшись Хрущевым наедине, он срывает парик, отклеивает бороду и, обесси- ленный, опускается на стул: - не могу больше... - надо, Федя, надо!!
Радуйся тому что осталось, а не плачь о том чего уже нет.