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» Screen Savers
» Graphics Utilities
Reglo is a versatile graphics design tool including an on-screen ruler, a color picker, a magnifier, a mini-screen capture feature, and the ability to resize the windows of other applications.
Publish thumbnail based web photo galleries. Includes GPS support, built-in FTP, EXIF, program automation, copyright stamper, an HTTP Soap client, XML image descriptions, batch processing, integrated e-mailer, and more. Very easy to use. F1 help.
PaletteMaker creates a common 256-colour palette from a list of RGB pictures. It uses an iterative and interactive procedure in order to optimize those colours that you judge most important. PaletteMaker is flexible and achieves high quality.
Active Media Player Screen Saver
View live Streaming Media or full motion MPEG, AVI, ASF, WMV and MOV clips as a Screensaver. Use our intuitive setup and preview tool to create a playlist of media clips. With audio+GetRight support. Watch video on your PC: concerts, news, more!
Easy Graphics File Converter
A program for converting between BMP, GIF, JPG and PNG graphics files. Allows single or multiple (batch) file conversion. Converted files displayed in browser.
Image displaying/conversion/processing library. Permits you to display/open/save images of the the following formats: BMP, JPEG, TIFF, PNG, GIF, PCX, ICO, WMF, EMF, J2K, JBG.
Miraplacid Screen Capture
Miraplacid Screen Capture saves screenshots to JPEG, PDF, TIFF, PNG, BMP and TGA image files or redirects them to a printer. It overrides default Print Screen button behavior with preview panel.
Ничто так не поощряет праздность, как пустые разговоры. Л. Толстой
При раскопках в Египте нашли саркофаг с мумией. Эксперт не могли установить, чья это мумия. Пригласили советских специ- алистов. Три советских эксперта засучили рукава и потребовали освободить помещение. Вскоре они вышли, утирая пот со лба: - Аменхотеп двадцать третий! - как вам удалось это установить? - сам, сука, сознался!
Во Фpанции pезко повысили pождаемость: совместили матку с пищеводом.