
В начало
» Development Tools
» HTML Tool
HTMLCompact is a powerful HTML compression tool created for webmasters. Its effective compression algorithm can reduce the size of your pages by as much as 80% while keeping the appearance of the page the same.
German Characters
This German Characters program was written to allow you a simple and efficient way to use the accented alphabetic letters and characters that are unique to the German language and are not shown on your English keyboard.
Lingo Vocabulary Trainer
Lingo is an intuitive vocabulary trainer that makes it easy to memorize foreign words. With Lingo you can practice words until you know each and every one of them.
Cute Organizer
Convenient, nice looking information management system, featuring hierarchical textual and visual data representation regarding your contacts. Suited for multi-user environments. Easy to migrate to! Easy to use! Easy to download! Easy to purchase!
Верные слова не изящны, изящные слова не верны. Лао-Цзы
Репортер спрашивает даму: -- Сколько вам лет? -- Я приближаюсь к сорока... -- С какой стороны?
На позиции - девушка, а с позиции - мать