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» HTML Utilities
WordPipe Search Replace
Apply multiple Unicode search and replaces to multiple MS Word documents in one pass. Find and replace (or search only) inside hyperlinks, headers, footers, text boxes, shapes, document properties, field codes and more! Handles passwords too!
TextPipe Pro
Fast text manipulation and data extraction. Fix websites, database data and electronic text with pattern match,convert DOS/Unix end of line characters,ASCII-EBCDIC,OEM-ANSI,add/remove lines/columns,sort,split,join,database extracts,JScript/VBScript
TextPipe Standard
Fast text manipulation and data extraction. Fix websites, database data and electronic text with pattern match,convert DOS/Unix end of line characters,ASCII-EBCDIC,OEM-ANSI,add/remove lines/columns,sort,split,join. Winner SIA 2003 "Best Application"
TextPipe Web Search and Replace
Fix your million page website FAST! with advanced multi-file, multi-folder search and replace, with multi-line exact matches, sounds-like and typographical error correction, pattern matching. Winner of SIA 2003 "Best Application" award.
pssSearch is a web-based search tool for your web server. pssSearch enables your web-site visitors to find the information they seek on your web-site by entering words or phrases. pssSearch logs the user's search request for your us.
Txt2Html is the award-winning software that allows you to convert your old text files to HTML format or create new HTML files easily.
Txt2Html detects: paragraphs; headings; epigraph; lists; tables; URLs; and much more.
WebExe will convert a single HTML page, or group of pages, into a standalone self-running EXE file with integrated browser. Users are given full control of the browser's attributes, functionality and behavior.
WebSiteZip Packer
Welcome to WebSiteZip Packer - a powerful and easy-to-use application which will help you
to turn a single HTML page or a group of pages into a solid executable file (.exe) with
an integrated HTML browser.
Easy Thumbnails
Create accurate thumbnails from popular picture formats with this handy freeware utility. Find and view images easily, preview your thumbnails, and use provided tools to rotate images and adjust their contrast, brightness, sharpness and compression.
CSE HTML Validator Professional
CSE HTML Validator Professional is a fast, powerful, user configurable, and easy to use professional web development tool that helps you create syntactically correct and accessible HTML, XHTML, and CSS. Also checks links.
Чужая душа потёмки, особенно если повернуться к ней задом. Авессалом Подводный
В Шотландии. -- Леди и джентльмены! С этого места вы можете увидеть знаменитые шотландские горы. Если вы их действительно види- те,-- значит, дождь уже идет.
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