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» Hobby Organizers
Wine Organizer Deluxe
Wine Organizer Deluxe is a complete program that allows wine collectors, hobbyists, wine clubs, and cellar's owners to organize, catalog, and manage their wine collections on their PCs.
Recipe Organizer
Recipe Organizer Deluxe is a complete program that allows recipe collectors, and chiefs to organize, catalog, and manage their recipe collections on their PCs.
Software Organizer
Software Organizer Deluxe is a complete program that allows computer owners, institutions, software dealers, and computer clubs to organize, catalog, and manage their information about software on their PCs.
Sports Card Organizer
Sports Card Organizer Deluxe is a complete program that allows Sports Card collectors, hobbyists, dealers, and clubs to organize, catalog, and manage their collections on their PCs.
Sports Card Organizer Deluxe
Sports Card Organizer Deluxe is a complete program that allows Sports Card collectors, hobbyists, dealers, and clubs to organize, catalog, and manage their collections on their PCs.
Stamp Organizer
Stamp Organizer Deluxe is a complete program that allows Stamp collectors, philatelists, hobbyists, dealers, and clubs to organize, catalog, and manage their collections on their PCs.
Stamp Organizer Deluxe
Stamp Organizer Deluxe is a complete program that allows Stamp collectors, philatelists, hobbyists, dealers, and clubs to organize, catalog, and manage their collections on their PCs.
Wine Organizer
Wine Organizer Deluxe is a complete program that allows wine collectors, hobbyists, wine clubs, and cellar's owners to organize, catalog, and manage their wine collections on their PCs.
Coin Organizer Deluxe
Coin Organizer Deluxe is a complete program that allows coin collectors, hobbyists, dealers, and clubs to organize, catalog, and manage their coin collections on their PCs.
Movie Organizer Deluxe
Movie Organizer Deluxe is a complete program that allows movie collectors, hobbyists, small libraries, and clubs to organize, catalog, and manage their collections on their PCs.
В каждом положении отыщется что-нибудь утешительное, если хорошо поискать. Д. Дефо
-- Выручи меня, Поль! Съезди, пожалуйста, на вокзал и при- вези мою тещу, она должна приехать вечерним поездом из Дижо- на. Выручи, с меня сто франков,-- я чертовски занят. -- А вдруг она не приедет? -- Тогда другое дело! Получишь двести франков, да еще и выпьем на радостях за мой счет! Твои бы слова да Богу в уши...
Утpом он ушел, а я осталась на смятой постели, голая и встpевоженная.Стелла, 15 лет