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Bible Collection Plus
Bible Collection Plus combines 2 award winning programs into 1 low priced, high value package. The Bible Collection is already a bargain at $12.99. Now, for only 99 cents more you also get Life Organizer for a savings of $10 or 42% for both products.
Oracle of the Runes
Based on the art of rune stone casting using the symbols of an ancient Norse alphabet, Oracle of the Runes can be seen as just a bit of fun... Or does it work by divine intervention? Whatever you believe, it can help you gain valuable insights.
KidsWatch Time Control
Time Control™ allows you to limit Internet surfing, chatting and game playing to a time and duration you are comfortable with. Schedule the number of hours each child can use the computer, per day or week. And much more…drill down for more features.
NutriGenie High Fiber Diet
This software was developed by NutriGenie in collaboration with Dr. James W. Anderson and his staff at the University of Kentucky College of Medicine. Dr. Anderson is Professor of Medicine and Clinical Nutrition at the University of Kentucky.
Knowledge Room
Knowledge Room uses 3-D graphics to help you gather, organize, and recall information. Engaging your spatial memory, Knowledge Room helps you organize in your computer in the same way you organize in the real world: by moving objects in 3D space.
Alpha Scuba Log
Popular scuba diving software log and image collection for Windows. Written by professional developers and divers. Covers modules: diving log, equipment maintenance, species image gallery, certifications, divers/students. Over 1000 users worldwide!
NFL Forecaster
Ranks NFL teams & predicts winners & spreads. Requires only 10 minutes to input game scores. 66% accuracy over 15 seasons (71% in 1998). Includes Cotton Calendar. View/print 8 reports and the schedule. 8 categories of statistics. Updated for 2004-05.
NutriGenie Low Carb Diet
Adopting the low carb diet has never been so easy. Latest update of the Atkins diet software series. Its nutrition analysis automatically calculates the unique Atkins Net Carbs values (of over 8,000 food items) to help you stay on the low carb diet.
Assignment Organizer
A program for students for scheduling and organizing Assignments. Helps you keep track of assignment deadlines. Features an Assignment Alert and the ability to link to and directly open documents from Assignment Organizer.
Можно сломать шпагу, нельзя истребить идею. В. Гюго
-- Ешьте, кума, вареники, ешьте,--приговаривает хозяйка за столом. -- Спасибо, голубушка, я уже, наверное, три вареника съела. Вкусные! -- Вот только не надо врать, кума! Не три, а все пять... Да кто их там считает! Берите еще!..
Пусть я не в здравом уме, зато в своем